RDKmedia is a (SMM) social media marketing company with offices in San Francisco, California and Melbourne, Australia that specializes in social media management for small businesses in San Francisco, Melbourne, and all over the world. RDKmedia manages your online presence to generate traffic, leads, and sales. We can manage your social media marketing, allowing you to manage your business.

How RDK Media does SMM / Social Media Marketing for Business


We begin our approach by taking inventory of your business’s existing social media visibility, engagement, and reach. We also analyze your target audience to identify where, when, and how you are reaching that target. Beyond simple visibility, social media marketing must do more.

  • Your social media marketing should raise brand awareness and create a positive association with your brand and improve search engine optimization.
  • Your social media marketing should allow you to build a relationship with both your customers and online influencers who will create word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Your social media marketing must do more than just push product and services—it must also contribute to the overall conversation of your field.
  • Your social media marketing should engage your target audience to reflect what they expect, value, and identify with.


Based on your target audience and your goals, we identify

  • what to share,
  • when to post,
  • how often to share, and
  • how to interact.

We can create social media marketing content to share, or advise you on creating content.


We also engage and interact with users or give you information on how you can join the conversation. Keeping a finger on the pulse of what is going on locally, nationally, and internationally is important to understand social media conversations and what is being consumed and why.

  • We help your company build trust with your target audience.
  • We help to educate your audience about you and your product or service.
  • We keep visibility and interest high.


We monitor the engagement and the visibility of the social media marketing to identify trends, changes, and activity and can make adjustments when they are needed.

  • We ensure your social media marketing continues to meet the goals of raising brand awareness and positive association, building relationships, helping to create word-of-mouth marketing, creating conversations, and meeting your target audience’s expectations and values.
  • We measure the success of our social media marketing plan and routinely evaluate your specific goals.
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